OpenTelemetry PHP

ExportProfilesServiceRequest extends Message
in package

Generated from protobuf message <code>opentelemetry.proto.collector.profiles.v1development.ExportProfilesServiceRequest</code>

Table of Contents


$resource_profiles  : mixed
An array of ResourceProfiles.


__construct()  : mixed
getResourceProfiles()  : RepeatedField
An array of ResourceProfiles.
setResourceProfiles()  : $this
An array of ResourceProfiles.



An array of ResourceProfiles.

private mixed $resource_profiles

For data coming from a single resource this array will typically contain one element. Intermediary nodes (such as OpenTelemetry Collector) that receive data from multiple origins typically batch the data before forwarding further and in that case this array will contain multiple elements.

Generated from protobuf field repeated .opentelemetry.proto.profiles.v1development.ResourceProfiles resource_profiles = 1;




public __construct([array<string|int, mixed> $data = NULL ]) : mixed
$data : array<string|int, mixed> = NULL

{ Optional. Data for populating the Message object.

@type \Opentelemetry\Proto\Profiles\V1development\ResourceProfiles[]|\Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField $resource_profiles
      An array of ResourceProfiles.
      For data coming from a single resource this array will typically contain one
      element. Intermediary nodes (such as OpenTelemetry Collector) that receive
      data from multiple origins typically batch the data before forwarding further and
      in that case this array will contain multiple elements.



An array of ResourceProfiles.

public getResourceProfiles() : RepeatedField

For data coming from a single resource this array will typically contain one element. Intermediary nodes (such as OpenTelemetry Collector) that receive data from multiple origins typically batch the data before forwarding further and in that case this array will contain multiple elements.

Generated from protobuf field repeated .opentelemetry.proto.profiles.v1development.ResourceProfiles resource_profiles = 1;

Return values


An array of ResourceProfiles.

public setResourceProfiles(array<string|int, ResourceProfiles>|RepeatedField $var) : $this

For data coming from a single resource this array will typically contain one element. Intermediary nodes (such as OpenTelemetry Collector) that receive data from multiple origins typically batch the data before forwarding further and in that case this array will contain multiple elements.

Generated from protobuf field repeated .opentelemetry.proto.profiles.v1development.ResourceProfiles resource_profiles = 1;

$var : array<string|int, ResourceProfiles>|RepeatedField
Return values

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