extends Message
in package
A log record according to OpenTelemetry Log Data Model: https://github.com/open-telemetry/oteps/blob/main/text/logs/0097-log-data-model.md
Generated from protobuf message opentelemetry.proto.logs.v1.LogRecord
Table of Contents
- $body : mixed
- A value containing the body of the log record. Can be for example a human-readable string message (including multi-line) describing the event in a free form or it can be a structured data composed of arrays and maps of other values. [Optional].
- $dropped_attributes_count : mixed
- Generated from protobuf field <code>uint32 dropped_attributes_count = 7;</code>
- $event_name : mixed
- A unique identifier of event category/type.
- $flags : mixed
- Flags, a bit field. 8 least significant bits are the trace flags as defined in W3C Trace Context specification. 24 most significant bits are reserved and must be set to 0. Readers must not assume that 24 most significant bits will be zero and must correctly mask the bits when reading 8-bit trace flag (use flags & LOG_RECORD_FLAGS_TRACE_FLAGS_MASK). [Optional].
- $observed_time_unix_nano : mixed
- Time when the event was observed by the collection system.
- $severity_number : mixed
- Numerical value of the severity, normalized to values described in Log Data Model.
- $severity_text : mixed
- The severity text (also known as log level). The original string representation as it is known at the source. [Optional].
- $span_id : mixed
- A unique identifier for a span within a trace, assigned when the span is created. The ID is an 8-byte array. An ID with all zeroes OR of length other than 8 bytes is considered invalid (empty string in OTLP/JSON is zero-length and thus is also invalid).
- $time_unix_nano : mixed
- time_unix_nano is the time when the event occurred.
- $trace_id : mixed
- A unique identifier for a trace. All logs from the same trace share the same `trace_id`. The ID is a 16-byte array. An ID with all zeroes OR of length other than 16 bytes is considered invalid (empty string in OTLP/JSON is zero-length and thus is also invalid).
- $attributes : mixed
- Additional attributes that describe the specific event occurrence. [Optional].
- __construct() : mixed
- Constructor.
- clearBody() : mixed
- getAttributes() : RepeatedField
- Additional attributes that describe the specific event occurrence. [Optional].
- getBody() : AnyValue|null
- A value containing the body of the log record. Can be for example a human-readable string message (including multi-line) describing the event in a free form or it can be a structured data composed of arrays and maps of other values. [Optional].
- getDroppedAttributesCount() : int
- Generated from protobuf field <code>uint32 dropped_attributes_count = 7;</code>
- getEventName() : string
- A unique identifier of event category/type.
- getFlags() : int
- Flags, a bit field. 8 least significant bits are the trace flags as defined in W3C Trace Context specification. 24 most significant bits are reserved and must be set to 0. Readers must not assume that 24 most significant bits will be zero and must correctly mask the bits when reading 8-bit trace flag (use flags & LOG_RECORD_FLAGS_TRACE_FLAGS_MASK). [Optional].
- getObservedTimeUnixNano() : int|string
- Time when the event was observed by the collection system.
- getSeverityNumber() : int
- Numerical value of the severity, normalized to values described in Log Data Model.
- getSeverityText() : string
- The severity text (also known as log level). The original string representation as it is known at the source. [Optional].
- getSpanId() : string
- A unique identifier for a span within a trace, assigned when the span is created. The ID is an 8-byte array. An ID with all zeroes OR of length other than 8 bytes is considered invalid (empty string in OTLP/JSON is zero-length and thus is also invalid).
- getTimeUnixNano() : int|string
- time_unix_nano is the time when the event occurred.
- getTraceId() : string
- A unique identifier for a trace. All logs from the same trace share the same `trace_id`. The ID is a 16-byte array. An ID with all zeroes OR of length other than 16 bytes is considered invalid (empty string in OTLP/JSON is zero-length and thus is also invalid).
- hasBody() : mixed
- setAttributes() : $this
- Additional attributes that describe the specific event occurrence. [Optional].
- setBody() : $this
- A value containing the body of the log record. Can be for example a human-readable string message (including multi-line) describing the event in a free form or it can be a structured data composed of arrays and maps of other values. [Optional].
- setDroppedAttributesCount() : $this
- Generated from protobuf field <code>uint32 dropped_attributes_count = 7;</code>
- setEventName() : $this
- A unique identifier of event category/type.
- setFlags() : $this
- Flags, a bit field. 8 least significant bits are the trace flags as defined in W3C Trace Context specification. 24 most significant bits are reserved and must be set to 0. Readers must not assume that 24 most significant bits will be zero and must correctly mask the bits when reading 8-bit trace flag (use flags & LOG_RECORD_FLAGS_TRACE_FLAGS_MASK). [Optional].
- setObservedTimeUnixNano() : $this
- Time when the event was observed by the collection system.
- setSeverityNumber() : $this
- Numerical value of the severity, normalized to values described in Log Data Model.
- setSeverityText() : $this
- The severity text (also known as log level). The original string representation as it is known at the source. [Optional].
- setSpanId() : $this
- A unique identifier for a span within a trace, assigned when the span is created. The ID is an 8-byte array. An ID with all zeroes OR of length other than 8 bytes is considered invalid (empty string in OTLP/JSON is zero-length and thus is also invalid).
- setTimeUnixNano() : $this
- time_unix_nano is the time when the event occurred.
- setTraceId() : $this
- A unique identifier for a trace. All logs from the same trace share the same `trace_id`. The ID is a 16-byte array. An ID with all zeroes OR of length other than 16 bytes is considered invalid (empty string in OTLP/JSON is zero-length and thus is also invalid).
A value containing the body of the log record. Can be for example a human-readable string message (including multi-line) describing the event in a free form or it can be a structured data composed of arrays and maps of other values. [Optional].
= null
Generated from protobuf field .opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.AnyValue body = 5;
Generated from protobuf field <code>uint32 dropped_attributes_count = 7;</code>
= 0
A unique identifier of event category/type.
= ''
All events with the same event_name are expected to conform to the same schema for both their attributes and their body. Recommended to be fully qualified and short (no longer than 256 characters). Presence of event_name on the log record identifies this record as an event. [Optional]. Status: [Development]
Generated from protobuf field string event_name = 12;
Flags, a bit field. 8 least significant bits are the trace flags as defined in W3C Trace Context specification. 24 most significant bits are reserved and must be set to 0. Readers must not assume that 24 most significant bits will be zero and must correctly mask the bits when reading 8-bit trace flag (use flags & LOG_RECORD_FLAGS_TRACE_FLAGS_MASK). [Optional].
= 0
Generated from protobuf field fixed32 flags = 8;
Time when the event was observed by the collection system.
= 0
For events that originate in OpenTelemetry (e.g. using OpenTelemetry Logging SDK) this timestamp is typically set at the generation time and is equal to Timestamp. For events originating externally and collected by OpenTelemetry (e.g. using Collector) this is the time when OpenTelemetry's code observed the event measured by the clock of the OpenTelemetry code. This field MUST be set once the event is observed by OpenTelemetry. For converting OpenTelemetry log data to formats that support only one timestamp or when receiving OpenTelemetry log data by recipients that support only one timestamp internally the following logic is recommended:
- Use time_unix_nano if it is present, otherwise use observed_time_unix_nano. Value is UNIX Epoch time in nanoseconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970. Value of 0 indicates unknown or missing timestamp.
Generated from protobuf field fixed64 observed_time_unix_nano = 11;
Numerical value of the severity, normalized to values described in Log Data Model.
= 0
Generated from protobuf field .opentelemetry.proto.logs.v1.SeverityNumber severity_number = 2;
The severity text (also known as log level). The original string representation as it is known at the source. [Optional].
= ''
Generated from protobuf field string severity_text = 3;
A unique identifier for a span within a trace, assigned when the span is created. The ID is an 8-byte array. An ID with all zeroes OR of length other than 8 bytes is considered invalid (empty string in OTLP/JSON is zero-length and thus is also invalid).
= ''
This field is optional. If the sender specifies a valid span_id then it SHOULD also specify a valid trace_id. The receivers SHOULD assume that the log record is not associated with a span if any of the following is true:
- the field is not present,
- the field contains an invalid value.
Generated from protobuf field bytes span_id = 10;
time_unix_nano is the time when the event occurred.
= 0
Value is UNIX Epoch time in nanoseconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970. Value of 0 indicates unknown or missing timestamp.
Generated from protobuf field fixed64 time_unix_nano = 1;
A unique identifier for a trace. All logs from the same trace share the same `trace_id`. The ID is a 16-byte array. An ID with all zeroes OR of length other than 16 bytes is considered invalid (empty string in OTLP/JSON is zero-length and thus is also invalid).
= ''
This field is optional. The receivers SHOULD assume that the log record is not associated with a trace if any of the following is true:
- the field is not present,
- the field contains an invalid value.
Generated from protobuf field bytes trace_id = 9;
Additional attributes that describe the specific event occurrence. [Optional].
Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one attribute with the same key).
Generated from protobuf field repeated .opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.KeyValue attributes = 6;
__construct([array<string|int, mixed> $data = NULL ]) : mixed
- $data : array<string|int, mixed> = NULL
{ Optional. Data for populating the Message object.
@type int|string $time_unix_nano time_unix_nano is the time when the event occurred. Value is UNIX Epoch time in nanoseconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970. Value of 0 indicates unknown or missing timestamp. @type int|string $observed_time_unix_nano Time when the event was observed by the collection system. For events that originate in OpenTelemetry (e.g. using OpenTelemetry Logging SDK) this timestamp is typically set at the generation time and is equal to Timestamp. For events originating externally and collected by OpenTelemetry (e.g. using Collector) this is the time when OpenTelemetry's code observed the event measured by the clock of the OpenTelemetry code. This field MUST be set once the event is observed by OpenTelemetry. For converting OpenTelemetry log data to formats that support only one timestamp or when receiving OpenTelemetry log data by recipients that support only one timestamp internally the following logic is recommended: - Use time_unix_nano if it is present, otherwise use observed_time_unix_nano. Value is UNIX Epoch time in nanoseconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970. Value of 0 indicates unknown or missing timestamp. @type int $severity_number Numerical value of the severity, normalized to values described in Log Data Model. [Optional]. @type string $severity_text The severity text (also known as log level). The original string representation as it is known at the source. [Optional]. @type \Opentelemetry\Proto\Common\V1\AnyValue $body A value containing the body of the log record. Can be for example a human-readable string message (including multi-line) describing the event in a free form or it can be a structured data composed of arrays and maps of other values. [Optional]. @type \Opentelemetry\Proto\Common\V1\KeyValue[]|\Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField $attributes Additional attributes that describe the specific event occurrence. [Optional]. Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one attribute with the same key). @type int $dropped_attributes_count @type int $flags Flags, a bit field. 8 least significant bits are the trace flags as defined in W3C Trace Context specification. 24 most significant bits are reserved and must be set to 0. Readers must not assume that 24 most significant bits will be zero and must correctly mask the bits when reading 8-bit trace flag (use flags & LOG_RECORD_FLAGS_TRACE_FLAGS_MASK). [Optional]. @type string $trace_id A unique identifier for a trace. All logs from the same trace share the same `trace_id`. The ID is a 16-byte array. An ID with all zeroes OR of length other than 16 bytes is considered invalid (empty string in OTLP/JSON is zero-length and thus is also invalid). This field is optional. The receivers SHOULD assume that the log record is not associated with a trace if any of the following is true: - the field is not present, - the field contains an invalid value. @type string $span_id A unique identifier for a span within a trace, assigned when the span is created. The ID is an 8-byte array. An ID with all zeroes OR of length other than 8 bytes is considered invalid (empty string in OTLP/JSON is zero-length and thus is also invalid). This field is optional. If the sender specifies a valid span_id then it SHOULD also specify a valid trace_id. The receivers SHOULD assume that the log record is not associated with a span if any of the following is true: - the field is not present, - the field contains an invalid value. @type string $event_name A unique identifier of event category/type. All events with the same event_name are expected to conform to the same schema for both their attributes and their body. Recommended to be fully qualified and short (no longer than 256 characters). Presence of event_name on the log record identifies this record as an event. [Optional]. Status: [Development]
clearBody() : mixed
Additional attributes that describe the specific event occurrence. [Optional].
getAttributes() : RepeatedField
Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one attribute with the same key).
Generated from protobuf field repeated .opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.KeyValue attributes = 6;
Return values
A value containing the body of the log record. Can be for example a human-readable string message (including multi-line) describing the event in a free form or it can be a structured data composed of arrays and maps of other values. [Optional].
getBody() : AnyValue|null
Generated from protobuf field .opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.AnyValue body = 5;
Return values
Generated from protobuf field <code>uint32 dropped_attributes_count = 7;</code>
getDroppedAttributesCount() : int
Return values
A unique identifier of event category/type.
getEventName() : string
All events with the same event_name are expected to conform to the same schema for both their attributes and their body. Recommended to be fully qualified and short (no longer than 256 characters). Presence of event_name on the log record identifies this record as an event. [Optional]. Status: [Development]
Generated from protobuf field string event_name = 12;
Return values
Flags, a bit field. 8 least significant bits are the trace flags as defined in W3C Trace Context specification. 24 most significant bits are reserved and must be set to 0. Readers must not assume that 24 most significant bits will be zero and must correctly mask the bits when reading 8-bit trace flag (use flags & LOG_RECORD_FLAGS_TRACE_FLAGS_MASK). [Optional].
getFlags() : int
Generated from protobuf field fixed32 flags = 8;
Return values
Time when the event was observed by the collection system.
getObservedTimeUnixNano() : int|string
For events that originate in OpenTelemetry (e.g. using OpenTelemetry Logging SDK) this timestamp is typically set at the generation time and is equal to Timestamp. For events originating externally and collected by OpenTelemetry (e.g. using Collector) this is the time when OpenTelemetry's code observed the event measured by the clock of the OpenTelemetry code. This field MUST be set once the event is observed by OpenTelemetry. For converting OpenTelemetry log data to formats that support only one timestamp or when receiving OpenTelemetry log data by recipients that support only one timestamp internally the following logic is recommended:
- Use time_unix_nano if it is present, otherwise use observed_time_unix_nano. Value is UNIX Epoch time in nanoseconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970. Value of 0 indicates unknown or missing timestamp.
Generated from protobuf field fixed64 observed_time_unix_nano = 11;
Return values
Numerical value of the severity, normalized to values described in Log Data Model.
getSeverityNumber() : int
Generated from protobuf field .opentelemetry.proto.logs.v1.SeverityNumber severity_number = 2;
Return values
The severity text (also known as log level). The original string representation as it is known at the source. [Optional].
getSeverityText() : string
Generated from protobuf field string severity_text = 3;
Return values
A unique identifier for a span within a trace, assigned when the span is created. The ID is an 8-byte array. An ID with all zeroes OR of length other than 8 bytes is considered invalid (empty string in OTLP/JSON is zero-length and thus is also invalid).
getSpanId() : string
This field is optional. If the sender specifies a valid span_id then it SHOULD also specify a valid trace_id. The receivers SHOULD assume that the log record is not associated with a span if any of the following is true:
- the field is not present,
- the field contains an invalid value.
Generated from protobuf field bytes span_id = 10;
Return values
time_unix_nano is the time when the event occurred.
getTimeUnixNano() : int|string
Value is UNIX Epoch time in nanoseconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970. Value of 0 indicates unknown or missing timestamp.
Generated from protobuf field fixed64 time_unix_nano = 1;
Return values
A unique identifier for a trace. All logs from the same trace share the same `trace_id`. The ID is a 16-byte array. An ID with all zeroes OR of length other than 16 bytes is considered invalid (empty string in OTLP/JSON is zero-length and thus is also invalid).
getTraceId() : string
This field is optional. The receivers SHOULD assume that the log record is not associated with a trace if any of the following is true:
- the field is not present,
- the field contains an invalid value.
Generated from protobuf field bytes trace_id = 9;
Return values
hasBody() : mixed
Additional attributes that describe the specific event occurrence. [Optional].
setAttributes(array<string|int, KeyValue>|RepeatedField $var) : $this
Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one attribute with the same key).
Generated from protobuf field repeated .opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.KeyValue attributes = 6;
- $var : array<string|int, KeyValue>|RepeatedField
Return values
A value containing the body of the log record. Can be for example a human-readable string message (including multi-line) describing the event in a free form or it can be a structured data composed of arrays and maps of other values. [Optional].
setBody(AnyValue $var) : $this
Generated from protobuf field .opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.AnyValue body = 5;
- $var : AnyValue
Return values
Generated from protobuf field <code>uint32 dropped_attributes_count = 7;</code>
setDroppedAttributesCount(int $var) : $this
- $var : int
Return values
A unique identifier of event category/type.
setEventName(string $var) : $this
All events with the same event_name are expected to conform to the same schema for both their attributes and their body. Recommended to be fully qualified and short (no longer than 256 characters). Presence of event_name on the log record identifies this record as an event. [Optional]. Status: [Development]
Generated from protobuf field string event_name = 12;
- $var : string
Return values
Flags, a bit field. 8 least significant bits are the trace flags as defined in W3C Trace Context specification. 24 most significant bits are reserved and must be set to 0. Readers must not assume that 24 most significant bits will be zero and must correctly mask the bits when reading 8-bit trace flag (use flags & LOG_RECORD_FLAGS_TRACE_FLAGS_MASK). [Optional].
setFlags(int $var) : $this
Generated from protobuf field fixed32 flags = 8;
- $var : int
Return values
Time when the event was observed by the collection system.
setObservedTimeUnixNano(int|string $var) : $this
For events that originate in OpenTelemetry (e.g. using OpenTelemetry Logging SDK) this timestamp is typically set at the generation time and is equal to Timestamp. For events originating externally and collected by OpenTelemetry (e.g. using Collector) this is the time when OpenTelemetry's code observed the event measured by the clock of the OpenTelemetry code. This field MUST be set once the event is observed by OpenTelemetry. For converting OpenTelemetry log data to formats that support only one timestamp or when receiving OpenTelemetry log data by recipients that support only one timestamp internally the following logic is recommended:
- Use time_unix_nano if it is present, otherwise use observed_time_unix_nano. Value is UNIX Epoch time in nanoseconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970. Value of 0 indicates unknown or missing timestamp.
Generated from protobuf field fixed64 observed_time_unix_nano = 11;
- $var : int|string
Return values
Numerical value of the severity, normalized to values described in Log Data Model.
setSeverityNumber(int $var) : $this
Generated from protobuf field .opentelemetry.proto.logs.v1.SeverityNumber severity_number = 2;
- $var : int
Return values
The severity text (also known as log level). The original string representation as it is known at the source. [Optional].
setSeverityText(string $var) : $this
Generated from protobuf field string severity_text = 3;
- $var : string
Return values
A unique identifier for a span within a trace, assigned when the span is created. The ID is an 8-byte array. An ID with all zeroes OR of length other than 8 bytes is considered invalid (empty string in OTLP/JSON is zero-length and thus is also invalid).
setSpanId(string $var) : $this
This field is optional. If the sender specifies a valid span_id then it SHOULD also specify a valid trace_id. The receivers SHOULD assume that the log record is not associated with a span if any of the following is true:
- the field is not present,
- the field contains an invalid value.
Generated from protobuf field bytes span_id = 10;
- $var : string
Return values
time_unix_nano is the time when the event occurred.
setTimeUnixNano(int|string $var) : $this
Value is UNIX Epoch time in nanoseconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970. Value of 0 indicates unknown or missing timestamp.
Generated from protobuf field fixed64 time_unix_nano = 1;
- $var : int|string
Return values
A unique identifier for a trace. All logs from the same trace share the same `trace_id`. The ID is a 16-byte array. An ID with all zeroes OR of length other than 16 bytes is considered invalid (empty string in OTLP/JSON is zero-length and thus is also invalid).
setTraceId(string $var) : $this
This field is optional. The receivers SHOULD assume that the log record is not associated with a trace if any of the following is true:
- the field is not present,
- the field contains an invalid value.
Generated from protobuf field bytes trace_id = 9;
- $var : string