OpenTelemetry PHP

Mapping extends Message
in package

Describes the mapping of a binary in memory, including its address range, file offset, and metadata like build ID

Generated from protobuf message opentelemetry.proto.profiles.v1development.Mapping

Table of Contents


$file_offset  : mixed
Offset in the binary that corresponds to the first mapped address.
$filename_strindex  : mixed
The object this entry is loaded from. This can be a filename on disk for the main binary and shared libraries, or virtual abstractions like "[vdso]".
$has_filenames  : mixed
Generated from protobuf field <code>bool has_filenames = 7;</code>
$has_functions  : mixed
The following fields indicate the resolution of symbolic info.
$has_inline_frames  : mixed
Generated from protobuf field <code>bool has_inline_frames = 9;</code>
$has_line_numbers  : mixed
Generated from protobuf field <code>bool has_line_numbers = 8;</code>
$memory_limit  : mixed
The limit of the address range occupied by this mapping.
$memory_start  : mixed
Address at which the binary (or DLL) is loaded into memory.
$attribute_indices  : mixed
References to attributes in Profile.attribute_table. [optional]


__construct()  : mixed
getAttributeIndices()  : RepeatedField
References to attributes in Profile.attribute_table. [optional]
getFilenameStrindex()  : int
The object this entry is loaded from. This can be a filename on disk for the main binary and shared libraries, or virtual abstractions like "[vdso]".
getFileOffset()  : int|string
Offset in the binary that corresponds to the first mapped address.
getHasFilenames()  : bool
Generated from protobuf field <code>bool has_filenames = 7;</code>
getHasFunctions()  : bool
The following fields indicate the resolution of symbolic info.
getHasInlineFrames()  : bool
Generated from protobuf field <code>bool has_inline_frames = 9;</code>
getHasLineNumbers()  : bool
Generated from protobuf field <code>bool has_line_numbers = 8;</code>
getMemoryLimit()  : int|string
The limit of the address range occupied by this mapping.
getMemoryStart()  : int|string
Address at which the binary (or DLL) is loaded into memory.
setAttributeIndices()  : $this
References to attributes in Profile.attribute_table. [optional]
setFilenameStrindex()  : $this
The object this entry is loaded from. This can be a filename on disk for the main binary and shared libraries, or virtual abstractions like "[vdso]".
setFileOffset()  : $this
Offset in the binary that corresponds to the first mapped address.
setHasFilenames()  : $this
Generated from protobuf field <code>bool has_filenames = 7;</code>
setHasFunctions()  : $this
The following fields indicate the resolution of symbolic info.
setHasInlineFrames()  : $this
Generated from protobuf field <code>bool has_inline_frames = 9;</code>
setHasLineNumbers()  : $this
Generated from protobuf field <code>bool has_line_numbers = 8;</code>
setMemoryLimit()  : $this
The limit of the address range occupied by this mapping.
setMemoryStart()  : $this
Address at which the binary (or DLL) is loaded into memory.



Offset in the binary that corresponds to the first mapped address.

protected mixed $file_offset = 0

Generated from protobuf field uint64 file_offset = 3;


The object this entry is loaded from. This can be a filename on disk for the main binary and shared libraries, or virtual abstractions like "[vdso]".

protected mixed $filename_strindex = 0

Generated from protobuf field int32 filename_strindex = 4;


Generated from protobuf field <code>bool has_filenames = 7;</code>

protected mixed $has_filenames = false


The following fields indicate the resolution of symbolic info.

protected mixed $has_functions = false

Generated from protobuf field bool has_functions = 6;


Generated from protobuf field <code>bool has_inline_frames = 9;</code>

protected mixed $has_inline_frames = false


Generated from protobuf field <code>bool has_line_numbers = 8;</code>

protected mixed $has_line_numbers = false


The limit of the address range occupied by this mapping.

protected mixed $memory_limit = 0

Generated from protobuf field uint64 memory_limit = 2;


Address at which the binary (or DLL) is loaded into memory.

protected mixed $memory_start = 0

Generated from protobuf field uint64 memory_start = 1;


References to attributes in Profile.attribute_table. [optional]

private mixed $attribute_indices

Generated from protobuf field repeated int32 attribute_indices = 5;




public __construct([array<string|int, mixed> $data = NULL ]) : mixed
$data : array<string|int, mixed> = NULL

{ Optional. Data for populating the Message object.

@type int|string $memory_start
      Address at which the binary (or DLL) is loaded into memory.
@type int|string $memory_limit
      The limit of the address range occupied by this mapping.
@type int|string $file_offset
      Offset in the binary that corresponds to the first mapped address.
@type int $filename_strindex
      The object this entry is loaded from.  This can be a filename on
      disk for the main binary and shared libraries, or virtual
      abstractions like "[vdso]".
@type int[]|\Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField $attribute_indices
      References to attributes in Profile.attribute_table. [optional]
@type bool $has_functions
      The following fields indicate the resolution of symbolic info.
@type bool $has_filenames
@type bool $has_line_numbers
@type bool $has_inline_frames



References to attributes in Profile.attribute_table. [optional]

public getAttributeIndices() : RepeatedField

Generated from protobuf field repeated int32 attribute_indices = 5;

Return values


The object this entry is loaded from. This can be a filename on disk for the main binary and shared libraries, or virtual abstractions like "[vdso]".

public getFilenameStrindex() : int

Generated from protobuf field int32 filename_strindex = 4;

Return values


Offset in the binary that corresponds to the first mapped address.

public getFileOffset() : int|string

Generated from protobuf field uint64 file_offset = 3;

Return values


Generated from protobuf field <code>bool has_filenames = 7;</code>

public getHasFilenames() : bool
Return values


The following fields indicate the resolution of symbolic info.

public getHasFunctions() : bool

Generated from protobuf field bool has_functions = 6;

Return values


Generated from protobuf field <code>bool has_inline_frames = 9;</code>

public getHasInlineFrames() : bool
Return values


Generated from protobuf field <code>bool has_line_numbers = 8;</code>

public getHasLineNumbers() : bool
Return values


The limit of the address range occupied by this mapping.

public getMemoryLimit() : int|string

Generated from protobuf field uint64 memory_limit = 2;

Return values


Address at which the binary (or DLL) is loaded into memory.

public getMemoryStart() : int|string

Generated from protobuf field uint64 memory_start = 1;

Return values


References to attributes in Profile.attribute_table. [optional]

public setAttributeIndices(array<string|int, int>|RepeatedField $var) : $this

Generated from protobuf field repeated int32 attribute_indices = 5;

$var : array<string|int, int>|RepeatedField
Return values


The object this entry is loaded from. This can be a filename on disk for the main binary and shared libraries, or virtual abstractions like "[vdso]".

public setFilenameStrindex(int $var) : $this

Generated from protobuf field int32 filename_strindex = 4;

$var : int
Return values


Offset in the binary that corresponds to the first mapped address.

public setFileOffset(int|string $var) : $this

Generated from protobuf field uint64 file_offset = 3;

$var : int|string
Return values


Generated from protobuf field <code>bool has_filenames = 7;</code>

public setHasFilenames(bool $var) : $this
$var : bool
Return values


The following fields indicate the resolution of symbolic info.

public setHasFunctions(bool $var) : $this

Generated from protobuf field bool has_functions = 6;

$var : bool
Return values


Generated from protobuf field <code>bool has_inline_frames = 9;</code>

public setHasInlineFrames(bool $var) : $this
$var : bool
Return values


Generated from protobuf field <code>bool has_line_numbers = 8;</code>

public setHasLineNumbers(bool $var) : $this
$var : bool
Return values


The limit of the address range occupied by this mapping.

public setMemoryLimit(int|string $var) : $this

Generated from protobuf field uint64 memory_limit = 2;

$var : int|string
Return values


Address at which the binary (or DLL) is loaded into memory.

public setMemoryStart(int|string $var) : $this

Generated from protobuf field uint64 memory_start = 1;

$var : int|string
Return values

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