OpenTelemetry PHP

PBFunction extends Message
in package

Describes a function, including its human-readable name, system name, source file, and starting line number in the source.

Generated from protobuf message opentelemetry.proto.profiles.v1development.Function

Table of Contents


$filename_strindex  : mixed
Source file containing the function.
$name_strindex  : mixed
Name of the function, in human-readable form if available.
$start_line  : mixed
Line number in source file.
$system_name_strindex  : mixed
Name of the function, as identified by the system.


__construct()  : mixed
getFilenameStrindex()  : int
Source file containing the function.
getNameStrindex()  : int
Name of the function, in human-readable form if available.
getStartLine()  : int|string
Line number in source file.
getSystemNameStrindex()  : int
Name of the function, as identified by the system.
setFilenameStrindex()  : $this
Source file containing the function.
setNameStrindex()  : $this
Name of the function, in human-readable form if available.
setStartLine()  : $this
Line number in source file.
setSystemNameStrindex()  : $this
Name of the function, as identified by the system.



Source file containing the function.

protected mixed $filename_strindex = 0

Generated from protobuf field int32 filename_strindex = 3;


Name of the function, in human-readable form if available.

protected mixed $name_strindex = 0

Generated from protobuf field int32 name_strindex = 1;


Line number in source file.

protected mixed $start_line = 0

Generated from protobuf field int64 start_line = 4;


Name of the function, as identified by the system.

protected mixed $system_name_strindex = 0

For instance, it can be a C++ mangled name.

Generated from protobuf field int32 system_name_strindex = 2;




public __construct([array<string|int, mixed> $data = NULL ]) : mixed
$data : array<string|int, mixed> = NULL

{ Optional. Data for populating the Message object.

@type int $name_strindex
      Name of the function, in human-readable form if available.
@type int $system_name_strindex
      Name of the function, as identified by the system.
      For instance, it can be a C++ mangled name.
@type int $filename_strindex
      Source file containing the function.
@type int|string $start_line
      Line number in source file.



Source file containing the function.

public getFilenameStrindex() : int

Generated from protobuf field int32 filename_strindex = 3;

Return values


Name of the function, in human-readable form if available.

public getNameStrindex() : int

Generated from protobuf field int32 name_strindex = 1;

Return values


Line number in source file.

public getStartLine() : int|string

Generated from protobuf field int64 start_line = 4;

Return values


Name of the function, as identified by the system.

public getSystemNameStrindex() : int

For instance, it can be a C++ mangled name.

Generated from protobuf field int32 system_name_strindex = 2;

Return values


Source file containing the function.

public setFilenameStrindex(int $var) : $this

Generated from protobuf field int32 filename_strindex = 3;

$var : int
Return values


Name of the function, in human-readable form if available.

public setNameStrindex(int $var) : $this

Generated from protobuf field int32 name_strindex = 1;

$var : int
Return values


Line number in source file.

public setStartLine(int|string $var) : $this

Generated from protobuf field int64 start_line = 4;

$var : int|string
Return values


Name of the function, as identified by the system.

public setSystemNameStrindex(int $var) : $this

For instance, it can be a C++ mangled name.

Generated from protobuf field int32 system_name_strindex = 2;

$var : int
Return values

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