OpenTelemetry PHP

Profile extends Message
in package

Represents a complete profile, including sample types, samples, mappings to binaries, locations, functions, string table, and additional metadata.

It modifies and annotates pprof Profile with OpenTelemetry specific fields. Note that whilst fields in this message retain the name and field id from pprof in most cases for ease of understanding data migration, it is not intended that pprof:Profile and OpenTelemetry:Profile encoding be wire compatible.

Generated from protobuf message opentelemetry.proto.profiles.v1development.Profile

Table of Contents


$default_sample_type_strindex  : mixed
Index into the string table of the type of the preferred sample value. If unset, clients should default to the last sample value.
$dropped_attributes_count  : mixed
dropped_attributes_count is the number of attributes that were discarded. Attributes can be discarded because their keys are too long or because there are too many attributes. If this value is 0, then no attributes were dropped.
$duration_nanos  : mixed
Duration of the profile, if a duration makes sense.
$original_payload  : mixed
Original payload can be stored in this field. This can be useful for users who want to get the original payload.
$original_payload_format  : mixed
Specifies format of the original payload. Common values are defined in semantic conventions. [required if original_payload is present]
$period  : mixed
The number of events between sampled occurrences.
$period_type  : mixed
The kind of events between sampled occurrences.
$profile_id  : mixed
A globally unique identifier for a profile. The ID is a 16-byte array. An ID with all zeroes is considered invalid.
$time_nanos  : mixed
Time of collection (UTC) represented as nanoseconds past the epoch.
$attribute_indices  : mixed
References to attributes in attribute_table. [optional] It is a collection of key/value pairs. Note, global attributes like server name can be set using the resource API. Examples of attributes: "/http/user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36" "/http/server_latency": 300 "": true "": 10.239 The OpenTelemetry API specification further restricts the allowed value types: Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one attribute with the same key).
$attribute_table  : mixed
Lookup table for attributes.
$attribute_units  : mixed
Represents a mapping between Attribute Keys and Units.
$comment_strindices  : mixed
Free-form text associated with the profile. The text is displayed as is to the user by the tools that read profiles (e.g. by pprof). This field should not be used to store any machine-readable information, it is only for human-friendly content. The profile must stay functional if this field is cleaned.
$function_table  : mixed
Functions referenced by locations.
$link_table  : mixed
Lookup table for links.
$location_indices  : mixed
Array of locations referenced by samples.
$location_table  : mixed
Locations referenced by samples via location_indices.
$mapping_table  : mixed
Mapping from address ranges to the image/binary/library mapped into that address range. mapping[0] will be the main binary.
$sample  : mixed
The set of samples recorded in this profile.
$sample_type  : mixed
A description of the samples associated with each Sample.value.
$string_table  : mixed
A common table for strings referenced by various messages.


__construct()  : mixed
clearPeriodType()  : mixed
getAttributeIndices()  : RepeatedField
References to attributes in attribute_table. [optional] It is a collection of key/value pairs. Note, global attributes like server name can be set using the resource API. Examples of attributes: "/http/user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36" "/http/server_latency": 300 "": true "": 10.239 The OpenTelemetry API specification further restricts the allowed value types: Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one attribute with the same key).
getAttributeTable()  : RepeatedField
Lookup table for attributes.
getAttributeUnits()  : RepeatedField
Represents a mapping between Attribute Keys and Units.
getCommentStrindices()  : RepeatedField
Free-form text associated with the profile. The text is displayed as is to the user by the tools that read profiles (e.g. by pprof). This field should not be used to store any machine-readable information, it is only for human-friendly content. The profile must stay functional if this field is cleaned.
getDefaultSampleTypeStrindex()  : int
Index into the string table of the type of the preferred sample value. If unset, clients should default to the last sample value.
getDroppedAttributesCount()  : int
dropped_attributes_count is the number of attributes that were discarded. Attributes can be discarded because their keys are too long or because there are too many attributes. If this value is 0, then no attributes were dropped.
getDurationNanos()  : int|string
Duration of the profile, if a duration makes sense.
getFunctionTable()  : RepeatedField
Functions referenced by locations.
getLinkTable()  : RepeatedField
Lookup table for links.
getLocationIndices()  : RepeatedField
Array of locations referenced by samples.
getLocationTable()  : RepeatedField
Locations referenced by samples via location_indices.
getMappingTable()  : RepeatedField
Mapping from address ranges to the image/binary/library mapped into that address range. mapping[0] will be the main binary.
getOriginalPayload()  : string
Original payload can be stored in this field. This can be useful for users who want to get the original payload.
getOriginalPayloadFormat()  : string
Specifies format of the original payload. Common values are defined in semantic conventions. [required if original_payload is present]
getPeriod()  : int|string
The number of events between sampled occurrences.
getPeriodType()  : ValueType|null
The kind of events between sampled occurrences.
getProfileId()  : string
A globally unique identifier for a profile. The ID is a 16-byte array. An ID with all zeroes is considered invalid.
getSample()  : RepeatedField
The set of samples recorded in this profile.
getSampleType()  : RepeatedField
A description of the samples associated with each Sample.value.
getStringTable()  : RepeatedField
A common table for strings referenced by various messages.
getTimeNanos()  : int|string
Time of collection (UTC) represented as nanoseconds past the epoch.
hasPeriodType()  : mixed
setAttributeIndices()  : $this
References to attributes in attribute_table. [optional] It is a collection of key/value pairs. Note, global attributes like server name can be set using the resource API. Examples of attributes: "/http/user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36" "/http/server_latency": 300 "": true "": 10.239 The OpenTelemetry API specification further restricts the allowed value types: Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one attribute with the same key).
setAttributeTable()  : $this
Lookup table for attributes.
setAttributeUnits()  : $this
Represents a mapping between Attribute Keys and Units.
setCommentStrindices()  : $this
Free-form text associated with the profile. The text is displayed as is to the user by the tools that read profiles (e.g. by pprof). This field should not be used to store any machine-readable information, it is only for human-friendly content. The profile must stay functional if this field is cleaned.
setDefaultSampleTypeStrindex()  : $this
Index into the string table of the type of the preferred sample value. If unset, clients should default to the last sample value.
setDroppedAttributesCount()  : $this
dropped_attributes_count is the number of attributes that were discarded. Attributes can be discarded because their keys are too long or because there are too many attributes. If this value is 0, then no attributes were dropped.
setDurationNanos()  : $this
Duration of the profile, if a duration makes sense.
setFunctionTable()  : $this
Functions referenced by locations.
setLinkTable()  : $this
Lookup table for links.
setLocationIndices()  : $this
Array of locations referenced by samples.
setLocationTable()  : $this
Locations referenced by samples via location_indices.
setMappingTable()  : $this
Mapping from address ranges to the image/binary/library mapped into that address range. mapping[0] will be the main binary.
setOriginalPayload()  : $this
Original payload can be stored in this field. This can be useful for users who want to get the original payload.
setOriginalPayloadFormat()  : $this
Specifies format of the original payload. Common values are defined in semantic conventions. [required if original_payload is present]
setPeriod()  : $this
The number of events between sampled occurrences.
setPeriodType()  : $this
The kind of events between sampled occurrences.
setProfileId()  : $this
A globally unique identifier for a profile. The ID is a 16-byte array. An ID with all zeroes is considered invalid.
setSample()  : $this
The set of samples recorded in this profile.
setSampleType()  : $this
A description of the samples associated with each Sample.value.
setStringTable()  : $this
A common table for strings referenced by various messages.
setTimeNanos()  : $this
Time of collection (UTC) represented as nanoseconds past the epoch.



Index into the string table of the type of the preferred sample value. If unset, clients should default to the last sample value.

protected mixed $default_sample_type_strindex = 0

Generated from protobuf field int32 default_sample_type_strindex = 16;


dropped_attributes_count is the number of attributes that were discarded. Attributes can be discarded because their keys are too long or because there are too many attributes. If this value is 0, then no attributes were dropped.

protected mixed $dropped_attributes_count = 0

Generated from protobuf field uint32 dropped_attributes_count = 19;


Duration of the profile, if a duration makes sense.

protected mixed $duration_nanos = 0

Generated from protobuf field int64 duration_nanos = 12;


Original payload can be stored in this field. This can be useful for users who want to get the original payload.

protected mixed $original_payload = ''

Formats such as JFR are highly extensible and can contain more information than what is defined in this spec. Inclusion of original payload should be configurable by the user. Default behavior should be to not include the original payload. If the original payload is in pprof format, it SHOULD not be included in this field. The field is optional, however if it is present then equivalent converted data should be populated in other fields of this message as far as is practicable.

Generated from protobuf field bytes original_payload = 21;


Specifies format of the original payload. Common values are defined in semantic conventions. [required if original_payload is present]

protected mixed $original_payload_format = ''

Generated from protobuf field string original_payload_format = 20;


The number of events between sampled occurrences.

protected mixed $period = 0

Generated from protobuf field int64 period = 14;


The kind of events between sampled occurrences.

protected mixed $period_type = null

e.g [ "cpu","cycles" ] or [ "heap","bytes" ]

Generated from protobuf field .opentelemetry.proto.profiles.v1development.ValueType period_type = 13;


A globally unique identifier for a profile. The ID is a 16-byte array. An ID with all zeroes is considered invalid.

protected mixed $profile_id = ''

This field is required.

Generated from protobuf field bytes profile_id = 17;


Time of collection (UTC) represented as nanoseconds past the epoch.

protected mixed $time_nanos = 0

Generated from protobuf field int64 time_nanos = 11;


References to attributes in attribute_table. [optional] It is a collection of key/value pairs. Note, global attributes like server name can be set using the resource API. Examples of attributes: "/http/user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36" "/http/server_latency": 300 "": true "": 10.239 The OpenTelemetry API specification further restricts the allowed value types: Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one attribute with the same key).

private mixed $attribute_indices

Generated from protobuf field repeated int32 attribute_indices = 22;


Lookup table for attributes.

private mixed $attribute_table

Generated from protobuf field repeated .opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.KeyValue attribute_table = 7;


Represents a mapping between Attribute Keys and Units.

private mixed $attribute_units

Generated from protobuf field repeated .opentelemetry.proto.profiles.v1development.AttributeUnit attribute_units = 8;


Free-form text associated with the profile. The text is displayed as is to the user by the tools that read profiles (e.g. by pprof). This field should not be used to store any machine-readable information, it is only for human-friendly content. The profile must stay functional if this field is cleaned.

private mixed $comment_strindices

Generated from protobuf field repeated int32 comment_strindices = 15;


Functions referenced by locations.

private mixed $function_table

Generated from protobuf field repeated .opentelemetry.proto.profiles.v1development.Function function_table = 6;

Lookup table for links.

private mixed $link_table

Generated from protobuf field repeated .opentelemetry.proto.profiles.v1development.Link link_table = 9;


Array of locations referenced by samples.

private mixed $location_indices

Generated from protobuf field repeated int32 location_indices = 5;


Locations referenced by samples via location_indices.

private mixed $location_table

Generated from protobuf field repeated .opentelemetry.proto.profiles.v1development.Location location_table = 4;


Mapping from address ranges to the image/binary/library mapped into that address range. mapping[0] will be the main binary.

private mixed $mapping_table

If multiple binaries contribute to the Profile and no main binary can be identified, mapping[0] has no special meaning.

Generated from protobuf field repeated .opentelemetry.proto.profiles.v1development.Mapping mapping_table = 3;


The set of samples recorded in this profile.

private mixed $sample

Generated from protobuf field repeated .opentelemetry.proto.profiles.v1development.Sample sample = 2;


A description of the samples associated with each Sample.value.

private mixed $sample_type

For a cpu profile this might be: [["cpu","nanoseconds"]] or [["wall","seconds"]] or [["syscall","count"]] For a heap profile, this might be: [["allocations","count"], ["space","bytes"]], If one of the values represents the number of events represented by the sample, by convention it should be at index 0 and use sample_type.unit == "count".

Generated from protobuf field repeated .opentelemetry.proto.profiles.v1development.ValueType sample_type = 1;


A common table for strings referenced by various messages.

private mixed $string_table

string_table[0] must always be "".

Generated from protobuf field repeated string string_table = 10;




public __construct([array<string|int, mixed> $data = NULL ]) : mixed
$data : array<string|int, mixed> = NULL

{ Optional. Data for populating the Message object.

@type \Opentelemetry\Proto\Profiles\V1development\ValueType[]|\Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField $sample_type
      A description of the samples associated with each Sample.value.
      For a cpu profile this might be:
        [["cpu","nanoseconds"]] or [["wall","seconds"]] or [["syscall","count"]]
      For a heap profile, this might be:
        [["allocations","count"], ["space","bytes"]],
      If one of the values represents the number of events represented
      by the sample, by convention it should be at index 0 and use
      sample_type.unit == "count".
@type \Opentelemetry\Proto\Profiles\V1development\Sample[]|\Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField $sample
      The set of samples recorded in this profile.
@type \Opentelemetry\Proto\Profiles\V1development\Mapping[]|\Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField $mapping_table
      Mapping from address ranges to the image/binary/library mapped
      into that address range.  mapping[0] will be the main binary.
      If multiple binaries contribute to the Profile and no main
      binary can be identified, mapping[0] has no special meaning.
@type \Opentelemetry\Proto\Profiles\V1development\Location[]|\Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField $location_table
      Locations referenced by samples via location_indices.
@type int[]|\Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField $location_indices
      Array of locations referenced by samples.
@type \Opentelemetry\Proto\Profiles\V1development\PBFunction[]|\Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField $function_table
      Functions referenced by locations.
@type \Opentelemetry\Proto\Common\V1\KeyValue[]|\Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField $attribute_table
      Lookup table for attributes.
@type \Opentelemetry\Proto\Profiles\V1development\AttributeUnit[]|\Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField $attribute_units
      Represents a mapping between Attribute Keys and Units.
@type \Opentelemetry\Proto\Profiles\V1development\Link[]|\Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField $link_table
      Lookup table for links.
@type string[]|\Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField $string_table
      A common table for strings referenced by various messages.
      string_table[0] must always be "".
@type int|string $time_nanos
      Time of collection (UTC) represented as nanoseconds past the epoch.
@type int|string $duration_nanos
      Duration of the profile, if a duration makes sense.
@type \Opentelemetry\Proto\Profiles\V1development\ValueType $period_type
      The kind of events between sampled occurrences.
      e.g [ "cpu","cycles" ] or [ "heap","bytes" ]
@type int|string $period
      The number of events between sampled occurrences.
@type int[]|\Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField $comment_strindices
      Free-form text associated with the profile. The text is displayed as is
      to the user by the tools that read profiles (e.g. by pprof). This field
      should not be used to store any machine-readable information, it is only
      for human-friendly content. The profile must stay functional if this field
      is cleaned.
@type int $default_sample_type_strindex
      Index into the string table of the type of the preferred sample
      value. If unset, clients should default to the last sample value.
@type string $profile_id
      A globally unique identifier for a profile. The ID is a 16-byte array. An ID with
      all zeroes is considered invalid.
      This field is required.
@type int $dropped_attributes_count
      dropped_attributes_count is the number of attributes that were discarded. Attributes
      can be discarded because their keys are too long or because there are too many
      attributes. If this value is 0, then no attributes were dropped.
@type string $original_payload_format
      Specifies format of the original payload. Common values are defined in semantic conventions. [required if original_payload is present]
@type string $original_payload
      Original payload can be stored in this field. This can be useful for users who want to get the original payload.
      Formats such as JFR are highly extensible and can contain more information than what is defined in this spec.
      Inclusion of original payload should be configurable by the user. Default behavior should be to not include the original payload.
      If the original payload is in pprof format, it SHOULD not be included in this field.
      The field is optional, however if it is present then equivalent converted data should be populated in other fields
      of this message as far as is practicable.
@type int[]|\Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField $attribute_indices
      References to attributes in attribute_table. [optional]
      It is a collection of key/value pairs. Note, global attributes
      like server name can be set using the resource API. Examples of attributes:
          "/http/user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36"
          "/http/server_latency": 300
          "": true
          "": 10.239
      The OpenTelemetry API specification further restricts the allowed value types:
      Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one
      attribute with the same key).



public clearPeriodType() : mixed


References to attributes in attribute_table. [optional] It is a collection of key/value pairs. Note, global attributes like server name can be set using the resource API. Examples of attributes: "/http/user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36" "/http/server_latency": 300 "": true "": 10.239 The OpenTelemetry API specification further restricts the allowed value types: Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one attribute with the same key).

public getAttributeIndices() : RepeatedField

Generated from protobuf field repeated int32 attribute_indices = 22;

Return values


Lookup table for attributes.

public getAttributeTable() : RepeatedField

Generated from protobuf field repeated .opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.KeyValue attribute_table = 7;

Return values


Represents a mapping between Attribute Keys and Units.

public getAttributeUnits() : RepeatedField

Generated from protobuf field repeated .opentelemetry.proto.profiles.v1development.AttributeUnit attribute_units = 8;

Return values


Free-form text associated with the profile. The text is displayed as is to the user by the tools that read profiles (e.g. by pprof). This field should not be used to store any machine-readable information, it is only for human-friendly content. The profile must stay functional if this field is cleaned.

public getCommentStrindices() : RepeatedField

Generated from protobuf field repeated int32 comment_strindices = 15;

Return values


Index into the string table of the type of the preferred sample value. If unset, clients should default to the last sample value.

public getDefaultSampleTypeStrindex() : int

Generated from protobuf field int32 default_sample_type_strindex = 16;

Return values


dropped_attributes_count is the number of attributes that were discarded. Attributes can be discarded because their keys are too long or because there are too many attributes. If this value is 0, then no attributes were dropped.

public getDroppedAttributesCount() : int

Generated from protobuf field uint32 dropped_attributes_count = 19;

Return values


Duration of the profile, if a duration makes sense.

public getDurationNanos() : int|string

Generated from protobuf field int64 duration_nanos = 12;

Return values


Functions referenced by locations.

public getFunctionTable() : RepeatedField

Generated from protobuf field repeated .opentelemetry.proto.profiles.v1development.Function function_table = 6;

Return values


Lookup table for links.

public getLinkTable() : RepeatedField

Generated from protobuf field repeated .opentelemetry.proto.profiles.v1development.Link link_table = 9;

Return values


Array of locations referenced by samples.

public getLocationIndices() : RepeatedField

Generated from protobuf field repeated int32 location_indices = 5;

Return values


Locations referenced by samples via location_indices.

public getLocationTable() : RepeatedField

Generated from protobuf field repeated .opentelemetry.proto.profiles.v1development.Location location_table = 4;

Return values


Mapping from address ranges to the image/binary/library mapped into that address range. mapping[0] will be the main binary.

public getMappingTable() : RepeatedField

If multiple binaries contribute to the Profile and no main binary can be identified, mapping[0] has no special meaning.

Generated from protobuf field repeated .opentelemetry.proto.profiles.v1development.Mapping mapping_table = 3;

Return values


Original payload can be stored in this field. This can be useful for users who want to get the original payload.

public getOriginalPayload() : string

Formats such as JFR are highly extensible and can contain more information than what is defined in this spec. Inclusion of original payload should be configurable by the user. Default behavior should be to not include the original payload. If the original payload is in pprof format, it SHOULD not be included in this field. The field is optional, however if it is present then equivalent converted data should be populated in other fields of this message as far as is practicable.

Generated from protobuf field bytes original_payload = 21;

Return values


Specifies format of the original payload. Common values are defined in semantic conventions. [required if original_payload is present]

public getOriginalPayloadFormat() : string

Generated from protobuf field string original_payload_format = 20;

Return values


The number of events between sampled occurrences.

public getPeriod() : int|string

Generated from protobuf field int64 period = 14;

Return values


The kind of events between sampled occurrences.

public getPeriodType() : ValueType|null

e.g [ "cpu","cycles" ] or [ "heap","bytes" ]

Generated from protobuf field .opentelemetry.proto.profiles.v1development.ValueType period_type = 13;

Return values


A globally unique identifier for a profile. The ID is a 16-byte array. An ID with all zeroes is considered invalid.

public getProfileId() : string

This field is required.

Generated from protobuf field bytes profile_id = 17;

Return values


The set of samples recorded in this profile.

public getSample() : RepeatedField

Generated from protobuf field repeated .opentelemetry.proto.profiles.v1development.Sample sample = 2;

Return values


A description of the samples associated with each Sample.value.

public getSampleType() : RepeatedField

For a cpu profile this might be: [["cpu","nanoseconds"]] or [["wall","seconds"]] or [["syscall","count"]] For a heap profile, this might be: [["allocations","count"], ["space","bytes"]], If one of the values represents the number of events represented by the sample, by convention it should be at index 0 and use sample_type.unit == "count".

Generated from protobuf field repeated .opentelemetry.proto.profiles.v1development.ValueType sample_type = 1;

Return values


A common table for strings referenced by various messages.

public getStringTable() : RepeatedField

string_table[0] must always be "".

Generated from protobuf field repeated string string_table = 10;

Return values


Time of collection (UTC) represented as nanoseconds past the epoch.

public getTimeNanos() : int|string

Generated from protobuf field int64 time_nanos = 11;

Return values


public hasPeriodType() : mixed


References to attributes in attribute_table. [optional] It is a collection of key/value pairs. Note, global attributes like server name can be set using the resource API. Examples of attributes: "/http/user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36" "/http/server_latency": 300 "": true "": 10.239 The OpenTelemetry API specification further restricts the allowed value types: Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one attribute with the same key).

public setAttributeIndices(array<string|int, int>|RepeatedField $var) : $this

Generated from protobuf field repeated int32 attribute_indices = 22;

$var : array<string|int, int>|RepeatedField
Return values


Lookup table for attributes.

public setAttributeTable(array<string|int, KeyValue>|RepeatedField $var) : $this

Generated from protobuf field repeated .opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.KeyValue attribute_table = 7;

$var : array<string|int, KeyValue>|RepeatedField
Return values


Represents a mapping between Attribute Keys and Units.

public setAttributeUnits(array<string|int, AttributeUnit>|RepeatedField $var) : $this

Generated from protobuf field repeated .opentelemetry.proto.profiles.v1development.AttributeUnit attribute_units = 8;

$var : array<string|int, AttributeUnit>|RepeatedField
Return values


Free-form text associated with the profile. The text is displayed as is to the user by the tools that read profiles (e.g. by pprof). This field should not be used to store any machine-readable information, it is only for human-friendly content. The profile must stay functional if this field is cleaned.

public setCommentStrindices(array<string|int, int>|RepeatedField $var) : $this

Generated from protobuf field repeated int32 comment_strindices = 15;

$var : array<string|int, int>|RepeatedField
Return values


Index into the string table of the type of the preferred sample value. If unset, clients should default to the last sample value.

public setDefaultSampleTypeStrindex(int $var) : $this

Generated from protobuf field int32 default_sample_type_strindex = 16;

$var : int
Return values


dropped_attributes_count is the number of attributes that were discarded. Attributes can be discarded because their keys are too long or because there are too many attributes. If this value is 0, then no attributes were dropped.

public setDroppedAttributesCount(int $var) : $this

Generated from protobuf field uint32 dropped_attributes_count = 19;

$var : int
Return values


Duration of the profile, if a duration makes sense.

public setDurationNanos(int|string $var) : $this

Generated from protobuf field int64 duration_nanos = 12;

$var : int|string
Return values


Functions referenced by locations.

public setFunctionTable(array<string|int, PBFunction>|RepeatedField $var) : $this

Generated from protobuf field repeated .opentelemetry.proto.profiles.v1development.Function function_table = 6;

$var : array<string|int, PBFunction>|RepeatedField
Return values


Lookup table for links.

public setLinkTable(array<string|int, Link>|RepeatedField $var) : $this

Generated from protobuf field repeated .opentelemetry.proto.profiles.v1development.Link link_table = 9;

$var : array<string|int, Link>|RepeatedField
Return values


Array of locations referenced by samples.

public setLocationIndices(array<string|int, int>|RepeatedField $var) : $this

Generated from protobuf field repeated int32 location_indices = 5;

$var : array<string|int, int>|RepeatedField
Return values


Locations referenced by samples via location_indices.

public setLocationTable(array<string|int, Location>|RepeatedField $var) : $this

Generated from protobuf field repeated .opentelemetry.proto.profiles.v1development.Location location_table = 4;

$var : array<string|int, Location>|RepeatedField
Return values


Mapping from address ranges to the image/binary/library mapped into that address range. mapping[0] will be the main binary.

public setMappingTable(array<string|int, Mapping>|RepeatedField $var) : $this

If multiple binaries contribute to the Profile and no main binary can be identified, mapping[0] has no special meaning.

Generated from protobuf field repeated .opentelemetry.proto.profiles.v1development.Mapping mapping_table = 3;

$var : array<string|int, Mapping>|RepeatedField
Return values


Original payload can be stored in this field. This can be useful for users who want to get the original payload.

public setOriginalPayload(string $var) : $this

Formats such as JFR are highly extensible and can contain more information than what is defined in this spec. Inclusion of original payload should be configurable by the user. Default behavior should be to not include the original payload. If the original payload is in pprof format, it SHOULD not be included in this field. The field is optional, however if it is present then equivalent converted data should be populated in other fields of this message as far as is practicable.

Generated from protobuf field bytes original_payload = 21;

$var : string
Return values


Specifies format of the original payload. Common values are defined in semantic conventions. [required if original_payload is present]

public setOriginalPayloadFormat(string $var) : $this

Generated from protobuf field string original_payload_format = 20;

$var : string
Return values


The number of events between sampled occurrences.

public setPeriod(int|string $var) : $this

Generated from protobuf field int64 period = 14;

$var : int|string
Return values


The kind of events between sampled occurrences.

public setPeriodType(ValueType $var) : $this

e.g [ "cpu","cycles" ] or [ "heap","bytes" ]

Generated from protobuf field .opentelemetry.proto.profiles.v1development.ValueType period_type = 13;

$var : ValueType
Return values


A globally unique identifier for a profile. The ID is a 16-byte array. An ID with all zeroes is considered invalid.

public setProfileId(string $var) : $this

This field is required.

Generated from protobuf field bytes profile_id = 17;

$var : string
Return values


The set of samples recorded in this profile.

public setSample(array<string|int, Sample>|RepeatedField $var) : $this

Generated from protobuf field repeated .opentelemetry.proto.profiles.v1development.Sample sample = 2;

$var : array<string|int, Sample>|RepeatedField
Return values


A description of the samples associated with each Sample.value.

public setSampleType(array<string|int, ValueType>|RepeatedField $var) : $this

For a cpu profile this might be: [["cpu","nanoseconds"]] or [["wall","seconds"]] or [["syscall","count"]] For a heap profile, this might be: [["allocations","count"], ["space","bytes"]], If one of the values represents the number of events represented by the sample, by convention it should be at index 0 and use sample_type.unit == "count".

Generated from protobuf field repeated .opentelemetry.proto.profiles.v1development.ValueType sample_type = 1;

$var : array<string|int, ValueType>|RepeatedField
Return values


A common table for strings referenced by various messages.

public setStringTable(array<string|int, string>|RepeatedField $var) : $this

string_table[0] must always be "".

Generated from protobuf field repeated string string_table = 10;

$var : array<string|int, string>|RepeatedField
Return values


Time of collection (UTC) represented as nanoseconds past the epoch.

public setTimeNanos(int|string $var) : $this

Generated from protobuf field int64 time_nanos = 11;

$var : int|string
Return values

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