extends Message
in package
Each Sample records values encountered in some program context. The program context is typically a stack trace, perhaps augmented with auxiliary information like the thread-id, some indicator of a higher level request being handled etc.
Generated from protobuf message opentelemetry.proto.profiles.v1development.Sample
Table of Contents
- $link_index : mixed
- Reference to link in Profile.link_table. [optional]
- $locations_length : mixed
- locations_length along with locations_start_index refers to a slice of locations in Profile.location_indices.
- $locations_start_index : mixed
- locations_start_index along with locations_length refers to to a slice of locations in Profile.location_indices.
- $attribute_indices : mixed
- References to attributes in Profile.attribute_table. [optional]
- $timestamps_unix_nano : mixed
- Timestamps associated with Sample represented in nanoseconds. These timestamps are expected to fall within the Profile's time range. [optional]
- $value : mixed
- The type and unit of each value is defined by the corresponding entry in Profile.sample_type. All samples must have the same number of values, the same as the length of Profile.sample_type.
- __construct() : mixed
- Constructor.
- clearLinkIndex() : mixed
- getAttributeIndices() : RepeatedField
- References to attributes in Profile.attribute_table. [optional]
- getLinkIndex() : int
- Reference to link in Profile.link_table. [optional]
- getLocationsLength() : int
- locations_length along with locations_start_index refers to a slice of locations in Profile.location_indices.
- getLocationsStartIndex() : int
- locations_start_index along with locations_length refers to to a slice of locations in Profile.location_indices.
- getTimestampsUnixNano() : RepeatedField
- Timestamps associated with Sample represented in nanoseconds. These timestamps are expected to fall within the Profile's time range. [optional]
- getValue() : RepeatedField
- The type and unit of each value is defined by the corresponding entry in Profile.sample_type. All samples must have the same number of values, the same as the length of Profile.sample_type.
- hasLinkIndex() : mixed
- setAttributeIndices() : $this
- References to attributes in Profile.attribute_table. [optional]
- setLinkIndex() : $this
- Reference to link in Profile.link_table. [optional]
- setLocationsLength() : $this
- locations_length along with locations_start_index refers to a slice of locations in Profile.location_indices.
- setLocationsStartIndex() : $this
- locations_start_index along with locations_length refers to to a slice of locations in Profile.location_indices.
- setTimestampsUnixNano() : $this
- Timestamps associated with Sample represented in nanoseconds. These timestamps are expected to fall within the Profile's time range. [optional]
- setValue() : $this
- The type and unit of each value is defined by the corresponding entry in Profile.sample_type. All samples must have the same number of values, the same as the length of Profile.sample_type.
Reference to link in Profile.link_table. [optional]
= null
Generated from protobuf field optional int32 link_index = 5;
locations_length along with locations_start_index refers to a slice of locations in Profile.location_indices.
= 0
Supersedes location_index.
Generated from protobuf field int32 locations_length = 2;
locations_start_index along with locations_length refers to to a slice of locations in Profile.location_indices.
= 0
Generated from protobuf field int32 locations_start_index = 1;
References to attributes in Profile.attribute_table. [optional]
Generated from protobuf field repeated int32 attribute_indices = 4;
Timestamps associated with Sample represented in nanoseconds. These timestamps are expected to fall within the Profile's time range. [optional]
Generated from protobuf field repeated uint64 timestamps_unix_nano = 6;
The type and unit of each value is defined by the corresponding entry in Profile.sample_type. All samples must have the same number of values, the same as the length of Profile.sample_type.
When aggregating multiple samples into a single sample, the result has a list of values that is the element-wise sum of the lists of the originals.
Generated from protobuf field repeated int64 value = 3;
__construct([array<string|int, mixed> $data = NULL ]) : mixed
- $data : array<string|int, mixed> = NULL
{ Optional. Data for populating the Message object.
@type int $locations_start_index locations_start_index along with locations_length refers to to a slice of locations in Profile.location_indices. @type int $locations_length locations_length along with locations_start_index refers to a slice of locations in Profile.location_indices. Supersedes location_index. @type int[]|string[]|\Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField $value The type and unit of each value is defined by the corresponding entry in Profile.sample_type. All samples must have the same number of values, the same as the length of Profile.sample_type. When aggregating multiple samples into a single sample, the result has a list of values that is the element-wise sum of the lists of the originals. @type int[]|\Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField $attribute_indices References to attributes in Profile.attribute_table. [optional] @type int $link_index Reference to link in Profile.link_table. [optional] @type int[]|string[]|\Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField $timestamps_unix_nano Timestamps associated with Sample represented in nanoseconds. These timestamps are expected to fall within the Profile's time range. [optional]
clearLinkIndex() : mixed
References to attributes in Profile.attribute_table. [optional]
getAttributeIndices() : RepeatedField
Generated from protobuf field repeated int32 attribute_indices = 4;
Return values
Reference to link in Profile.link_table. [optional]
getLinkIndex() : int
Generated from protobuf field optional int32 link_index = 5;
Return values
locations_length along with locations_start_index refers to a slice of locations in Profile.location_indices.
getLocationsLength() : int
Supersedes location_index.
Generated from protobuf field int32 locations_length = 2;
Return values
locations_start_index along with locations_length refers to to a slice of locations in Profile.location_indices.
getLocationsStartIndex() : int
Generated from protobuf field int32 locations_start_index = 1;
Return values
Timestamps associated with Sample represented in nanoseconds. These timestamps are expected to fall within the Profile's time range. [optional]
getTimestampsUnixNano() : RepeatedField
Generated from protobuf field repeated uint64 timestamps_unix_nano = 6;
Return values
The type and unit of each value is defined by the corresponding entry in Profile.sample_type. All samples must have the same number of values, the same as the length of Profile.sample_type.
getValue() : RepeatedField
When aggregating multiple samples into a single sample, the result has a list of values that is the element-wise sum of the lists of the originals.
Generated from protobuf field repeated int64 value = 3;
Return values
hasLinkIndex() : mixed
References to attributes in Profile.attribute_table. [optional]
setAttributeIndices(array<string|int, int>|RepeatedField $var) : $this
Generated from protobuf field repeated int32 attribute_indices = 4;
- $var : array<string|int, int>|RepeatedField
Return values
Reference to link in Profile.link_table. [optional]
setLinkIndex(int $var) : $this
Generated from protobuf field optional int32 link_index = 5;
- $var : int
Return values
locations_length along with locations_start_index refers to a slice of locations in Profile.location_indices.
setLocationsLength(int $var) : $this
Supersedes location_index.
Generated from protobuf field int32 locations_length = 2;
- $var : int
Return values
locations_start_index along with locations_length refers to to a slice of locations in Profile.location_indices.
setLocationsStartIndex(int $var) : $this
Generated from protobuf field int32 locations_start_index = 1;
- $var : int
Return values
Timestamps associated with Sample represented in nanoseconds. These timestamps are expected to fall within the Profile's time range. [optional]
setTimestampsUnixNano(array<string|int, int>|array<string|int, string>|RepeatedField $var) : $this
Generated from protobuf field repeated uint64 timestamps_unix_nano = 6;
- $var : array<string|int, int>|array<string|int, string>|RepeatedField
Return values
The type and unit of each value is defined by the corresponding entry in Profile.sample_type. All samples must have the same number of values, the same as the length of Profile.sample_type.
setValue(array<string|int, int>|array<string|int, string>|RepeatedField $var) : $this
When aggregating multiple samples into a single sample, the result has a list of values that is the element-wise sum of the lists of the originals.
Generated from protobuf field repeated int64 value = 3;
- $var : array<string|int, int>|array<string|int, string>|RepeatedField