Table of Contents
- SpanBuilderInterface
- Obtained from a {@see TracerInterface} and used to construct a {@see SpanInterface}.
- SpanContextInterface
- SpanInterface
- Represents a value that can be stored within {@see ContextInterface}.
- SpanKind
- StatusCode
- TraceFlags
- TracerInterface
- TracerProviderInterface
- TraceStateInterface
- TraceState parses and stores the tracestate header as an immutable list of string key/value pairs. It provides the following operations following the rules described in the W3C Trace Context specification: - Get value for a given key - Add a new key/value pair - Update an existing value for a given key - Delete a key/value pair
- LateBindingTracer
- LateBindingTracerProvider
- Late binding providers are designed to be used by Instrumentation, while we do not have control over when all components (propagators, etc) which are registered through composer.autoload.files are actually loaded. It means that tracers etc are not fetched from Globals until the last possible instant (ie, when they try to create a span, get an instrument, etc).
- LocalRootSpan
- NonRecordingSpan
- NoopSpanBuilder
- NoopTracer
- NoopTracerProvider
- Span
- SpanContext
- SpanContextValidator
- TraceState
- trace() : R
- Executes the given closure within the provided span.
Executes the given closure within the provided span.
trace(SpanInterface $span, Closure $closure[, iterable<int|string, mixed> $args = [] ]) : R
The span will be ended.
- $span : SpanInterface
span to enclose the closure with
- $closure : Closure
- $args : iterable<int|string, mixed> = []
arguments to provide to the closure
Return values
R —result of the closure invocation