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Singleton object which represents the entry point to the OpenTelemetry internal diagnostic API


  • DiagAPI




createComponentLogger: ((options: ComponentLoggerOptions) => DiagLogger)

Type declaration

Log a general debug message that can be useful for identifying a failure. Information logged at this level may include diagnostic details that would help identify a failure scenario. For example: Logging the order of execution of async operations.

disable: (() => void)

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Unregister the global logger and return to Noop

      Returns void

Log an error scenario that was not expected and caused the requested operation to fail.

Log a general informational message, this should not affect functionality. This is also the default logging level so this should NOT be used for logging debugging level information.

setLogger: { (logger: DiagLogger, options?: DiagLoggerOptions): boolean; (logger: DiagLogger, logLevel?: DiagLogLevel): boolean }

Type declaration

Log a detailed (verbose) trace level logging that can be used to identify failures where debug level logging would be insufficient, this level of tracing can include input and output parameters and as such may include PII information passing through the API. As such it is recommended that this level of tracing should not be enabled in a production environment.

Log a warning scenario to inform the developer of an issues that should be investigated. The requested operation may or may not have succeeded or completed.


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