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  • Span



annotations?: Annotation[]

Associates events that explain latency with the time they happened.

debug?: boolean

True is a request to store this span even if it overrides sampling policy. This is true when the X-B3-Flags header has a value of 1.

duration: number

Duration in microseconds of the critical path, if known.

id: string

Unique 64bit identifier for this operation within the trace.

kind?: SpanKind

When present, kind clarifies timestamp, duration and remoteEndpoint. When absent, the span is local or incomplete.

localEndpoint: Endpoint

The host that recorded this span, primarily for query by service name.

name: string

The logical operation this span represents in lowercase (e.g. rpc method). Leave absent if unknown.

parentId?: string

The parent span ID or absent if this the root span in a trace.

shared?: boolean

True if we are contributing to a span started by another tracer (ex on a different host).

tags: Tags

Tags give your span context for search, viewing and analysis.

timestamp: number

Epoch microseconds of the start of this span, possibly absent if incomplete.

traceId: string

Trace identifier, set on all spans within it.

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