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Options available for the HTTP instrumentation (see documentation)




applyCustomAttributesOnSpan?: HttpCustomAttributeFunction

Function for adding custom attributes after response is handled

headersToSpanAttributes?: { client?: { requestHeaders?: string[]; responseHeaders?: string[] }; server?: { requestHeaders?: string[]; responseHeaders?: string[] } }

Map the following HTTP headers to span attributes.

Type declaration

  • Optional client?: { requestHeaders?: string[]; responseHeaders?: string[] }
    • Optional requestHeaders?: string[]
    • Optional responseHeaders?: string[]
  • Optional server?: { requestHeaders?: string[]; responseHeaders?: string[] }
    • Optional requestHeaders?: string[]
    • Optional responseHeaders?: string[]
ignoreIncomingPaths?: IgnoreMatcher[]

Not trace all incoming requests that match paths


use ignoreIncomingRequestHook instead

ignoreIncomingRequestHook?: IgnoreIncomingRequestFunction

Not trace all incoming requests that matched with custom function

ignoreOutgoingRequestHook?: IgnoreOutgoingRequestFunction

Not trace all outgoing requests that matched with custom function

ignoreOutgoingUrls?: IgnoreMatcher[]

Not trace all outgoing requests that match urls


use ignoreOutgoingRequestHook instead

Function for adding custom attributes before request is handled

requireParentforIncomingSpans?: boolean

Require parent to create span for incoming requests

requireParentforOutgoingSpans?: boolean

Require parent to create span for outgoing requests

Function for adding custom attributes before response is handled

serverName?: string

The primary server name of the matched virtual host.

Function for adding custom attributes before a span is started in incomingRequest

Function for adding custom attributes before a span is started in outgoingRequest

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