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XMLHttpRequest config




applyCustomAttributesOnSpan?: XHRCustomAttributeFunction

Function for adding custom attributes on the span

clearTimingResources?: boolean

The number of timing resources is limited, after the limit (chrome 250, safari 150) the information is not collected anymore. The only way to prevent that is to regularly clean the resources whenever it is possible. This is needed only when PerformanceObserver is not available

ignoreNetworkEvents?: boolean

Ignore adding network events as span events

ignoreUrls?: (string | RegExp)[]

URLs that partially match any regex in ignoreUrls will not be traced. In addition, URLs that are exact matches of strings in ignoreUrls will also not be traced.

propagateTraceHeaderCorsUrls?: PropagateTraceHeaderCorsUrls

URLs which should include trace headers when origin doesn't match

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